Huevember Weeks 3-5

Well, Huevember’s officially over and I’ve been looking forward to sharing my thoughts on the whole process and how I approached it.

  • Posting many together = easier to see the shift in gradient

  • I mostly enjoyed my own limiting to compass/ruler/French rule for design structure, but by Day 20-something I was a bit weary

  • Prismacolor pencils are still a delight. I did use Primsacolor markers once, but it was less fan.

  • By the end, I was tired of yellows, so just made up the last few prompts on my own.

The Rules for Huevember: 1 drawing/day; 1 hue/day, any medium.

The Rules for Huevember: 1 drawing/day; 1 hue/day, any medium.

December I’m teaming up with Jenn to just Make Stuff. I love how much daily drawing has improved my state of mind in This Year Our Lord Dumpster Fire-2020. I plan on finding more art structure in the future and I’ll share the results here when I do.